Photo: Takayuki/
Photo: Takayuki/

Taiwan is an island located in East Asia. It has become one of Asia’s big traders and is one of the world’s top producers of computer technology. The retail sales value of medicine and cosmetics amounted to € 5.69 billion in 2017 with a growth rate of 3%. Retail sales value of cosmetics amounted to € 2.67 billion in 2016 and amounted to approximately 47% of the total value.

Cosmetic regulations in Taiwan

The Taiwan Cosmetic regulation Cosmetic Hygiene and Safety Act, which replaced its predecessor Statute for Control of Cosmetic Hygiene, was promulgated in May 2018. The main difference in the new act is that it now includes non-pharmaceutical toothpastes and mouthwash products in cosmetic management so that the Product Notification System, the Product Information File (PIF), and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) are obligatory. To ensure the safety of use for consumers, post-market inspection and the autonomous management of the cosmetic industry are getting stricter.

Since the beginning of 2019, animal tests have been banned in Taiwan after a transitional period of 3 years. 

The import tax in Taiwan amounts to 0–5%.

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For Hong Kong beauties

ArticleSeries: Greater China | Hong Kong is the centre of attention of part 2 of our series on the cosmetics market of Greater China...

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