Photo: Sunny Studio/
Photo: Sunny Studio/

Blue light and infrared, in addition to protection from UVA and UVB light, are issues which have recently become greater concerns for the consumer. 

Lupaline from Expanscience is a concentrate extracted from wheat germ oil (unsaponifiables) mixed with lupin oil. The concentrate offers the skin protection from accelerated ageing induced by UV, IR and blue light. Lupaline highly limits the ROS release caused by daily radiation exposure, preserving cell integrity (DNA, membranes) and protecting the skin matrix from being damaged (inhibition of UV-induced protease activity and inhibition of IR-induced MMP1 synthesis). Recently tested on 3D skin models, this ingredient prevents skin proteins from being oxidised by UV or blue light radiation.  In case of UVA and UVB exposure, it also preserves the proper arrangement of elastic fibres within the dermis. 

Infrared radiation, in particular near infrared (IRA), has the ability to penetrate deep into the dermis. Recent studies have shown that infrared radiation generates free radicals and produces other harmful biological effects to the skin which result in ageing and wrinkles. Kobo has screened numerous particulate materials and selected two specific grades of titanium dioxide which show a great capacity to block IRA. These materials are offered with a variety of surface treatments. 

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