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Despite hair being projected to be a slow growth market, Mintel’s future of hair reports concludes there are opportunities in Asia, with China building on a strong scalp care sector, and emerging South Asian countries such as India providing a good platform for innovation to build on. Japan also sees the highest spend per capita on hair, so there is potential for prestige or higher-priced products as consumers continue to look for effective solutions.  

In conclusion, in a saturated, mature category, many consumers feel multi-benefit hair products no longer meet their individual needs. Innovations in customisation are shaping the future, as hair consumers look for unique products made just for them. Damaged hair is still a major concern, so there is a need for repairing and protecting solutions. A total health and wellbeing approach can inspire ingredients, drive the naturals movement, and encourage a focus based around optimum health. Read on for the latest product selection for these trends and more. 

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