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Photo: g-stockstudio/

Sustainability continues to be at the forefront in much of the NPD. In 2019 and beyond, consumers will look to those companies who fully embrace sustainability as well as those who are clever with upcycling concepts, refills and product-life extensions. Transparency will be essential.

Naturals are increasingly popular with consumers. With evolving demands and changing climates, our approach to natural and sustainable ingredients must change. In order to meet consumers’ growing demand for pure and efficacious products, a dependence on science and technology will be essential f. A move to become more ‘local’ in terms of ingredient sources and wisdom will create opportunities for people to protect and preserve resources from their local environment. 

Finally, while men’s beauty/personal care products remain niche compared to women’s, there is scope to boost NPD in convenience/multi-benefits and more disruptive concepts.

Mintel believes that products that focus on men’s top-of-mind concerns such as problem skin, skin dryness and dandruff will expand, but there is also room for brands to drive new purchase occasions. For example, subtle make-up to even out skin tone, body depilatories that avoid razor rash or prickly regrowth and pollution-protecting skin care. 

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