
With 2014 sales of EUR 11.7 billion, Covestro is among the world’s largest polymer companies. Business activities are focused on the manufacture of high-tech polymer materials and the development of innovative solutions for products used in many areas of daily life.

With Baycusan®, Covestro offers a product range liquid-aqueous dispersion and liquid alcoholic solutions based on polyurethanes as well as a polyurea powder-all carefully developed for superior performance. The Baycusan® products are the ideal film formers and sensory additive for groundbreaking sun care, skin care, hair care and color cosmetics formulations. Either in their water-based form or alcohol-based form, they perfectly perform as a film forming polymer with outstanding properties. The polyurea powder as a sensory additive offers unique advantages in cosmetic formulations. The Covestro group has 30 production sites around the globe and employed approximately 14,200 people at the end of 2014. Covestro, formerly Bayer MaterialScience, is a Bayer Group company.


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