Photo: Artem Postoev
Photo: Artem Postoev

Are you looking for sprays, foams and gel formulations for different personal care categories? Then this selection will surely be helpful.

Formulations by Seppic

SEPPIC Air Liquide Healthcare Specialty Ingredients
22, Terrasse Bellini,
Paris La Défense
92806 Puteaux, France
phone: +33 (0)1 42 91 40 00 

Seppic is a designer of specialty ingredients for health and beauty care. As a subsidiary of Air Liquide Healthcare, it contributes to protecting vulnerable lives through prevention and well-being. Seppic is expert in the four following technologies: Polymer Science, Plant-based Chemistry, Marine Biotechnologies and Botanical Extraction. Seppic enlarged its technologies in 2017 with the acquisition of a new subsidiary Serdex, a specialist of botanical active ingredients. In 2018 Seppic launched wesource, a complete and innovative offer comprised off 85 active ingredients for cosmetics. Sourced from marine biotechnologies, botanical extractions, and plant chemistry, these active ingredients are unique because of the inspiring stories they convey. Through their technicity and efficiency, they create solutions that reveal beauty.

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