
Strengthening hair is not the only hot topic in hair care. Find the latest ingredient solutions for this and other hair care issues in this article from COSSMA 6/2017.

Fighting against dandruff, itching, dryness...

Croda’s Apiscalp fights against dandruff, itching, dryness and hyperseborrhea  to provide  comfort  to both an oily and dry scalp. Procapil supports and enhances hair length and fullness  for men. The new  system Croda Plex defends against colouring and bleaching damage and improves integrity of damaged hair after it has  been treated. After using this  system  and  blowdrying  hair,tests  reveal  that  it  increases bond-building  and  improves  hair integrity,  especially  when  compared to both a super bleached control test and a commercial Plex system. The keratin quat Kerestore 2.0 takes biomimetics to the next level. The  amino  acid  sequences  of  the peptides  found  in  this  ingredient match  those  in  keratin  proteins found  in  human  hair.  It  provides targeted  repair  to  the most  damaged areas of the hair’s surface and thickens individual hair fibres.

Brilliant clarity toward novel product textures

Lubrizol’s Carbopol Clear offers formulators to access a wide choice of product formats ranging from traditional styling gels with brilliant clarity toward novel product textures, clays and waxes.

Purifying active agent for protection of the cutaneous cocoon

Seppic’s Fluidipure TM 8G is a biomimetic purifying active agent which protects the cutaneous cocoon. As a glycine and sugar biovector,  it helps    limiting  the proliferation of microorganisms  responsible for cutaneous disorders or formula contamination. Its biomimetic acidifying power helps attacked skin to regain its physiological acidic pH, so ensuring its integrity. This year’s in vivo test showed it reduces dandruff, soothes the scalp and eliminates unpleasant odours after five to ten  shampoos.

Increased hair density and hair loss

Silab’s Hairgenyl increases hair density and limits hair loss. It boosts hair regrowth by acting at the heart of hair follicle biology. With efficacy  proven  on  cell  and  tissue models that mimic  androgenetic  alopecia,  it  targets  three  regulators  of hair regrowth: the mitochondrial activity, the expression of signalling molecules and the components in epigenetics.


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