Photo: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/
Photo: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/

More and more customers favour organic cosmetics, and customer reach has been increasing for years. According to industry expert Elfriede Dambacher from Naturkosmetik Konzepte, the global market for natural cosmetics has a 10 % share and sales of between 10 and 12.5 million US-$. 

Various market research companies are forecasting continous growth for the next six years. This means that by 2025, the current volume is expected to double.

But this positive development also poses some challenges for the industry: With the market becoming more diverse, it is less predictable. In addition, digitalisation is rapidly changing the world. As a consequence, traditional distribution and marketing concepts no longer follow the same principles. 

The constantly changing lifestyle of consumers makes them more demanding, and from a production point of view, obtaining controlled organically grown ingredients becomes more and more challenging. Due to the popularity of natural cosmetics, margins are getting lower and lower; however the industry still endeavours to act in an authentic, ethical and sustainable manner. 

A closer look at current trends

Tailored to this year’s conference motto Humanity and brand management in the era of digitalization, Charlotte Libby, Beauty & Personal Care Analyst from Mintel, showcased future global trends for organic cosmetics, such as innovative bio-technologies, customised cosmetics, mood beauty and intelligent refill systems. She considers ensuring sustainability to be the biggest challenge for the organic cosmetics industry of tomorrow. The keynote speaker Nicole Brandes, Management Coach, Author and Partner of the Zukunftsinstitut (Future Institute) maintained that “we will achieve more change in the next 20 years than we have in the last 300 years. For this, we need people that convey visions, provide a purpose and are able to create relations. Digital is the base, emotional is the key.“ 

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