
Lars Tacke, Senior Global Business Manager Hair Care at DSM, presents the company’s latest launch, the TILAMAR® range for hair styling, conditioning and shine. The range is consisting of TILAMAR® Quat 640, TILAMAR® Quat 2240, TILAMAR® OP 40, TILAMAR® Quat 740 and TILAMAR® Fix A1000 and Argan Oil. DSM Nutritional Products set new standards in hair care with the introduction of TILAMAR®. DSM has more than 50 years experience and success in material science polymer technology. This knowledge is crucial to apply polymer technology to novel applications in the hair care industry and create an innovative portfolio of TILAMAR® hair care polymers. DSM’s strong active ingredients, application support and knowledge of consumer needs and trends ensure hair care manufacturers to create successful products.

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