
As consumers become more connected, they are learning about and adopting beauty trends from other parts of the world. A, C, J and K stand for the beauty trends which have had the most success.

A-Beauty (Australian)

Pure, organic ingredients are the secrets of the healthy Australian look. Their glowing and sun-kissed skin effect is due to a simple beauty routine, with few steps. Clean formulas, local origin, and sunscreen are their favourite themes. Consumers often prefer simple and multi-purpose solutions that complement simplified beauty routines. Airtightness provides protection for the organic ingredients often used in A-beauty products, shielding them from oxidisation. The

viscosity of the formula and ease of application make pansticks and sunscreens – ever popular in Australia – the perfect fit. The use of PP, a recyclable material, in all components also means excellent compatibility and sustainability. What’s more, pansticks answer the multi-use trend for those products that combine SPF with foundations and other cosmetics.

C-Beauty (Chinese)

As China has become a global leader thanks to its industrial power and avid consumers market, the C-beauty trend is here to stay. Marked by a mix of innovative and traditional Chinese elements, their beauty products tap into the power of ancient ingredients while appealing their affordable price and high quality. Wood is an ancient, natural material that appeals to the senses. Incorporating wooden elements into modern beauty packaging like a spray pump

pack reflects C-Beauty’s juxtaposition of tradition and innovation. Using wood that comes from sustainably managed forests makes it an endlessly renewable resource.

J-Beauty (Japanese)

Skincare is serious business in Japan. Concerned about formulas, efficacy and the science behind their products, consumers need to be 100% certain of the qualities and benefits of every purchase. They’re focused on high-quality ingredients, although with a “slow beauty” approach welcome, as long as the products have been rigorously tested. High-tech packaging such as airless dispensers are a perfect match with J-Beauty products. Airless dispensers already convey a certain elegance and a touch of luxury through their structure. That makes them ideal for the sophisticated products of J-Beauty brands. The timeless design inspires confidence while the package’s soft touch and premium finish appeal to the senses. Featuring state-of-the-art airless technology, the airless dispenser provides high-tech formulations with proven, powerful protection from external contamination. 

K-Beauty (Korean)

For the last few years, K-Beauty products have attained great commercial success, thanks to the creativity and original design of its cosmetics. Disruptive formulas and formats make it a “fun” trend, where consumers can play with sticks, masks and “mix it yourself” products. The long beauty routine with several steps opens endless possibilities to innovate. For an ultra-luxury experience, massage tools in jade and rose quartz support the holistic wellness routines so beloved in Korea. Also, products that make it easy and fun to blend, brush, blot, massage, buff and exfoliate are welcome to that target group.

Jennifer Barachet,

product marketing lead,

Barcelona, Spain, 

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