photo: Syda Productions/
photo: Syda Productions/

The creation of new fragrances is not just about flavours. In times in which sustainability is playing an increasingly important role, there are also developments in new dosage forms. Katia de Martino reports on this new dosage form.

Lookin at today’s fast changing perfume market, consumers are searching for new formats and eco-conscious solutions such as solid perfume that has new appeal, especially with millennials. Solid fragrances are the latest trend in the world of cosmetics, offering a practical delivery system that is easy to carry and apply on the go.

Boom of solid cosmetics

In 2020, solid cosmetic sales increased by over 36%; so, did‘ consumers’ expressed desire for sustainable products: according to research, even Chinese consumers are becoming very concerned, with 78% of them caring about the environmental impact of the products they use daily (MDPI,2020). Therefore, the challenge of solid perfumes is to respond to the market’s needs, offering an exclusive, but more importantly an actually sustainable product.

Also new on the scene in 2021 ‘are perfume jewels. The most popular being pendants that containevocative aromas and are a combination of jewellery and fragrance.

Emotional wellness

Important to note are two other trends that increased within 2021: natural fragrances and holistic wellness and self-care. Last year, skincare and fragrances increased in demand, because of the respective increase of the “self-care” approach. More than ever, fragrances play a crucial role in emotional wellness. On the other hand, as mentioned before, the rising demand for natural, vegan, and sustainable products drives the market of fragrances as well. For these reasons, solid perfumes can match customers’ requests and market trends.

Katia de Martino,

General Manager,

Essentia Beauty,
Monza, Italy, 

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