
COSSMA's selection shows some of the latest solutions ranging from glass and caps to folding boxes – also with eco-friendly approaches.

Caps – from elegant to colourful

Linhardt and RPC have introduced an extruded tube with a Zeller Plastik coloured flip-top cap with marble effect. This effect is obtained by using one base colour and a choice of up to six additional colours to be mixed into the batch. As a result, the random distribution of additional colours makes each cap unique. The key to these flip-top caps lies with  the masterbatch of Gabriel-Chemie, consisting of batches with different MFIs as well as with the adapted injection moulding process at RPC Zeller Plastik Zell.

Eye-catching folding cartons

The Legart Forschungsatelier/Pour Legart won the international Red Dot Award* for Packaging and Communication Design 2016 for the redesign of the corporate design and packaging of its skin-care brand Deage. The trapezial structure as a chemical construct and organic element of the natural structure of our skin was integrated into the general concept of the product, not only in terms of formulations but also packaging. The packaging concept surprises in terms of material and colour. When touching the box, its rugged surface feels velvety soft.

Eco-friendly solutions

35 innovations received the German Packaging Award 2016 at the packaging show Fachpack, which took place in September in Nuremberg. Among the gold winners relevant for cosmetics and household products was the HD-PE bottle from Werner & Mertz, produced by extrusion blow-moulding. It is made of 100% recycled translucent or white recycled material. The recycled material originates from domestic refuse.

New material Bio-PET for resource-saving transparent packaging

Seufert Transparente Verpackungen has introduced the new material Bio-PET, which allows producing resource-saving transparent packaging at nearly the same costs as traditional clear packaging. It is ideal for presenting eco-friendly cosmetics and beauty products at the point of sale. Bio-based PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is partly manufactured from renewable resources. The company works with Bio-PET film, whose MEG (monoethylene glycol) content is produced from sugar cane. This means that 30% of the Bio-PET is from vegetable origin, thus conserving fossil resources. Bio-PET may be transformed into clear folding boxes, transparent sleeves and die cuts in the same way as standard PET.


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