
Customising packaging can increase brand loyalty. Here are some recent solutions.
According to a study conducted by Canadean, 67% of 1,200 global executives across industries believed their customers were becoming less loyal to their brand. Due to such consumer insights, WestRock is convinced that providing customization options raises brand loyalty. According to the company’s annual Packaging Matters Study, 31% of participants say that packaging is “extremely/very important” to overall satisfaction, compared to 36% who say the same about the brand. This slight 5% differ-ence shows that the two elements have an almost equal role in overall satisfaction.

Canadean: Personalisation for better results

According to Canadean , personal care personalisation is about providing better results. After all, 32% of global consumers feel that personal care manufacturers do not fully understand their needs*.
Mass personalisation is particularly effec-tive in skin care and beauty products, where personalisation is a factor in over one-fifth of purchasing decisions.

WestRock's Skin Care Study

WestRock’s Skin Care Study found that solutions are required for functional and emotional pain points. A functional pain point is an unhygienic application or difficulties in getting the product out. Emotional pain points are a lack of luxury or technology/scientific cues.

As one solution, the company’s Pearl Deco Collection, a suite of customization options for the airless range Pearl, allows decorative elements to be applied to the overcap, pump and bottle to create a fully customisable experience. In addition to tradi-tional decoration techniques such as silk screening, hot stamping, metallisation and coating, the new sleever technique allows for the combination of colours and textures to create an infinite number of looks.

The Creative Studio for Fragrance rep-resents a sampling of dispensing solutions for fragrance—pairing decorative overtubes, the company’s NoC invisible dip tube, and customized collars and actuators with new capabilities in extensions for spray caps.

The Emotions of Spray Collection showed that consumers appreciate the way a spray touches their skin, the sensation of dispensing the product and the overall look.

Neopac's Tin Caps: Custom-printed alternative

Neopac offers Tin Caps, a custom-printed cap as an alternative to common standard caps starting from a print run of 10,000 items. Logos, text, icons and pictures can be printed or embossed onto the cap for affordable design options. Two different cap heights are available, one with a minimum material consumption to emphasize eco-design. There is a choice between positive or negative embossing, lacquering options such as matt, gloss or soft touch, and a unique tactile experience thanks to different weights of the cap to enhance perceived value.

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