Photo: Idea Studio/
Photo: Idea Studio/

Interview with:

Leopold Werdich

President of Aerobal and Managing ­Director Tubex
Rangendingen ­Germany 

COSSMA: What are the challenges concerning aerosols and the issue of sustainability?

Leopold Werdich, President of Aerobal and Managing Director of Tubex: To make cans more sustainable, one option is to make them lighter. Cans made of alloys are in general lighter than cans manufactured of pure aluminium. This is due to the fact, that the wall thickness can be reduced. However, the handling of cans containing alloys is more demanding. The entire manufacturing process, special handling and packing has to be adapted to lightweight cans. 

A new packing system has been developed for cans made of alloys. To ensure the continuous high quality of the cans, the production lines need an additional control system at the packaging station (end of the line).  

Apart from this, developing new and more sustainable lacquering systems is a very complex task as the lacquer must pass stability testing and the application has to meet industrial standards.

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