photo: Model Kramp
photo: Model Kramp

It is a well-known fact that packaging conveys more emotion and feeling than the actual product. This is particularly true of cosmetics that reflect lifestyle and luxury. The packaging must beguile the customer and in the end, delivers the purchasing decision.

Beauty products and their packaging are a lure into a unique world of experience – they emphasise the customer’s carefree, luxurious or sporty lifestyle. The latest printing and finishing processes, such as cold foil, are a major contributory factor here. Our company is expert in this type of elegant finishing. 

Branded companies know very well how to make best use of it. Three-dimensional embossed logos or lettering with matt, high-gloss or metallic varnish finishing on images provide a sophisticated effect and exceptional surfaces in terms of look and feel.

Inline finishing for large print runs

Unlike hot-foil embossing, cold-foil finishing requires neither high temperatures nor time-consuming, extra offline processes with stamping machines. The foil can be directly applied to the print substrate as part of the inline printing process. 

To achieve this, our company has installed the InlineFoiler 2.0 cold foiling module at its works in Hanau, Germany. In combination with an eight-colour Manroland machine, it opens up a whole new world of finishing. The cold foil can be included inline as part of offset printing, providing multi-colour printing in a single pass. 

Logos, contoured motifs and lettering can be stamped and overlaid with an effect or a spot varnish. Cold foil finishing therefore supplements traditional embossed foil printing by offering new design options which beforehand would have been utterly unfeasible. The results are breathtaking in their accuracy and edge sharpness, as registration errors are eliminated by the inline process. Fine-detailed motifs, thin lines and lettering are particularly clear, allowing for extremely fine patterns and screen vignettes. 

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