Photo: Studiovin/
Photo: Studiovin/

More and more pressurised package formats, once thought of as products of a mature market segment, are growing and innovating in surprising ways. In recent years we have seen a significant uptick in the application of these formats as a means to drive consumer benefit and delight, well beyond convenience. 

Skin care going ultra-cool

Late in 2017, Kate Somerville launched Tight N’Cryogenic, a cooling skin no-shake foam gel designed to help tighten the skin and reduce  lines and wrinkles. “Inspired by the science of cryogenics”, the bag-on-valve system dispenses a skin tightening gel-foam that chills the skin while providing a tactile sensation of crackling and popping. The result is a refreshing sensation that provides a consumer benefit well beyond the base skin formulation, offering a truly breakthrough experience within the prestige skin care segment. 

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