Photo: Erstler Dimitry/
Photo: Erstler Dimitry/

This year’s In-Cosmetics Global moves to Amsterdam this April with a packed programme of Marketing Trends Presentations covering the latest global trends, data and insights. For the first time, there will be a complete day dedicated to key regional trends in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia and Africa and the Middle East, bringing together insights into local and regional markets and consumer preferences and their impact on global beauty. The programme will cover the latest thinking and analysis on themes such as the anti-pollution and probiotic trends in skin care, how athleisure is blurring the boundaries in fashion, fitness and beauty, a focus on how beauty brands are turning their attention to healthy ageing and an investigation into the reasons that men are not as engaged as women when it comes to beauty products. COSSMA’s Senior Editor Angelika Meiss will moderate a round table discussion about indie brands, with representatives from Mallée, Soap & Co. and Dew Gibbons. 

Healthy living and the new face of healthy ageing

Kseniia Galenystsk, Senior Analyst Beauty and Fashion from Euromonitor International will discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by a growing ageing population. In particular, it is the pursuit of healthier lifestyles that is transforming stereotypes about ageing across all demographics. Galenytska will investigate how a holistic approach, inclusive of lifestyle, physical form, mental wellbeing and nutrition is providing opportunities for companies to convert challenges into lucrative business prospects. This will require intuitive products and sensitive marketing to engage consumers of all ages, including the age-agnostic or so-called ageless generation. 

Lia Neophytou, Associate Analyst from GlobalData will consider another aspect of changing lifestyles in the evolving perception of working out as an activity to be enjoyed rather than a chore. Athleisure, which blurs the boundaries in fashion, fitness and beauty, is revolutionising the way consumers view beauty products. Neophytou will explore the consumer behaviours shaping this trend and highlight innovation opportunities for beauty brands to align their products with the needs of the active consumer. 

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