
Making one’s own cosmetics? Yes, this is one of the latest trends in natural cosmetics; beyond this, what’s turning the cosmetics market greener? Beate Vogel and Elfriede Dambacher, organiser of the International Natural and Organic Cosmetics Conference to be held in Berlin on Sep. 27th and 28th 2016, present the latest trends in their article in COSSMA.

Natural cosmetics: Increasing despite of saturation

The penetration of natural and organic cosmetics has been increasing despite the saturation of the cosmetics market, according to the market research joint venture of Naturkos metik Verlag, IRI and GfK, who have been monitoring the latest developments in the German natural and organic cosmetics market for the past 10 years. Value-orientated consumers aretransforming the markets of FMCG. The flexible young Generation Y, the generation of people born during the 1980s and early 1990s, is also changing the cosmetics market. One of the results is the growth of the natural and organic cosmetics market. This market segment in Germany generated more than EUR 1 billion in 2015. Consumers demand eco-friendly products and prefer their own brands – not those of their parents’ generation. Globally, this sector is one of the fastest-growing in skin care. According to Organic Monitor the global market for natural and organic cosmetics was estimated at about USD 12.6 billion in 2015.

The latest product trends

At this year’s Vivaness, the trade show for natural and organic cosmetics in Nuremberg, we discovered newcomer brands as well as classic organic brands tailoring their products to the following trends. Water-saving products: Water is becoming one of the most wanted elements in the world. Thus, products which save water whenever possible are really eco-friendly. Adding water only when it is truly needed is one of the latest trends in cosmetics in general. The products Secrets des Fées, Kneipp Enzymmaske, Khadi’ Herbal Hair Wash Powder, and the brand Stop The Water While Using Me are examples of this trend.

Trend: Regional ingredients and products

Niche brands and newcomer brands from all over the world are flooding their countries’ products onto the market. This is turning the idea of ‘fair trade’ into ‘real trade.’ Real trade means to produce and export finished products instead of only exporting raw materials. Brands and products that stand for this trend are Dabba, Aloe Ferox de Ibiza, Biola Korallenalgen and Qmilk.

Trend: Do it yourself cosmetics

These products are always fresh and always natural. Kitchen cosmetics is one of the latest trends. It targets consumers who want to know with 100% certainty what ingredients their products contain. The growing number of new brands and concepts in this field responds to even more needs: the aim to create one’s own products, to pamper oneself without spending huge amounts of money, and last but not least, to be able to decide which ingredients are used in one’s beauty products and which aren’t. One prominent example in certified cosmetics for this trend is the Bademeisterei’s line Cosmetic Kitchen.

Challenge: Combine values that seem to be incombinable

One of the future challenges is to combine values that used to be considered incombinable. As this is something today’s consumers expect, meeting this challenge will definitely be gaining in importance over the next 10 years. Source: The Annual Report of the Natural & Organic Cosmetics Market Germany is published by the consulting company Naturkosmetik Konzepte, in cooperation with the leading market researchers GfK Panel Services Germany, IMS Health, IRI Information Resources Germany and BioVista.

Beate Vogel, Trend Scout and Junior Consultant
Elfriede Dambacher, Owner and CEO Naturkosmetik Verlag, organiser of the International Natural and  Organic Cosmetics Conference, held in Berlin on September 27-28 


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