Photo: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/
Photo: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/

According to exclusive Mintel research, in the US natural brands continue to experience growth, an affirmation of the importance placed on ingredient safety and the role natural and organic personal care (NOPC) products play in an overall wellness lifestyle. In the UK, however, usage of natural or organic toiletries remains low, with just 20% of people purchasing natural or organic soap, bath or shower products and 18% purchasing facial skin care. It seems that confusion could be hindering growth with 54% of Brits finding it difficult to know if a product is as natural or organic as it claims to be.

When it comes to indicators of natural or organic, 40% of UK adults select organic-certified, highlighting the importance of accreditation in the sector. The inclusion of organic ingredients is more important than the inclusion of plant-based ingredients (36% vs. 24%) suggesting that consumers may have fatigue from ‘natural’ claims. While an element of caution remains in terms of natural beauty, manufacturers continue to launch new products.

Natural soda deodorant stick 

In the UK, Ben & Anna is a deodorant range. With its various refreshing fragrances, it is suitable for both men and women, vegans, environment lovers and anyone interested in natural products. 

This sustainable 100% natural origin range uses sodium bicarbonate and arrowroot extract, known for their bacteria reducing, deodorising effect and fresh essences. 

Part of the Natural Soda Deodorant Stick□ sub-range is Persian Lime, in a new paper 60g pack. 

Claimed to be hygienic and easy to use, this product is designed to provide optimal protection against sweat and unpleasant odours while also caring for the skin. 

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