photo: Stephanie Zieber,
photo: Stephanie Zieber,

Interview with:

Anaïs Dupuy,
Business Development Manager Kantar Worldpanel
Paris, France 

COSSMA: What are the key drivers of the French market? 

Anaïs Dupuy, Business Development Manager, Kantar Worldpanel:In France, people are using fewer personal care products. Consumers have six less occasions of personal care each week than they did six years ago. 

The market is still decreasing but is in a better situation than last year. It is down -0.8% in volume and -0.2% in value because people are purchasing personal care products less often. This decrease affects the hyper and supermarkets as well as pharmacy channels for the first time. In the meantime, growth is still possible within other channels, such as online or at bargain stores.

The key drivers of this slowdown are: 

  • Simplification of the beauty routine: consuming less but in better quality or versatility
  • Lack of consumer confidence partly because of applications such as Yuka* 
  • The natural trend: fewer products, less garbage, “accepting myself as I am”.

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