photo: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich,
photo: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich,

A YouGov survey reported in 2015 that 49% of 19–24-year olds do not define themselves as 100% heterosexual. Insights such as this help brands understand how teenagers are defining themselves and are particularly important given the way in which the industry markets identically formulated products to young people using gender stereotypes.

Over the past decade there has been a sea of change in the way teenagers identify with sexuality and gender. Here in the West, in an era where gay marriage, gender fluidity and equal rights are part of everyday life, it’s no wonder the ‘pink for girls’ and ‘blue for boys’ tradition seems old fashioned to them.

The industry is years behind. Teenagers are growing up in a world that is more accepting, generous and liberal. Brands that are still trying to chain them to outdated and, potentially harmful messaging, risk being left behind. 

Scientifically, as an industry, we are successfully catering for adolescent personal care issues, from perspiration, greasy hair and oily skin. However, we are falling behind when it comes to offering empowering messages and images this consumer group can relate to. 

Recent neurological research has provided unique insights into the development of the teenage brain. We now know the brain is continually developing until our early 20’s. This has implications in the images and messages teenage brands use to market their products. We need to support and encourage young adults, not undermine and highlight their insecurities. The industry has a unique opportunity to develop a trusted and meaningful relationship that starts at around 11 years old and can continue throughout consumers’ lives. 

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