photo: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/
photo: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/

Interview with:

Marc Pissavini,
Basic Research Director Coty,
Sun Care and SkinCare Research,
Coty Monaco, Monaco

COSSMA: What are your company’s latest scientific findings and developments in sun care?

Marc Pissavini, Basic Research Director, Coty: Lancaster is Coty’s firstbrand who invented and brought to market the Full Light Technology which not only protects from UVA and UVB but also from visible light and infrared. Based on this innovation, most of our modern sun products are developed and produced in our plants. 

We combine the findings of Full Light Technology with our philosophy Live with light.

What are the most important product trends in the field of sun care?

We can see two major trends: clean beauty and protection from the visible and infrared part of the spectrum. Lancaster was the pioneer in the field of visible and IR protection with the concept of full light technology. In addition to this, we also work actively on reducing our impact onto the environment by carefully selecting the ingredients we use. 

What regional differences are there in the use of sun care?

In contrast to European regions, the beauty routines of people in Asia are very different. 

In general, Europeans love a golden sun tan. However, Asian people prefer to have a pale skin tone. Apart from this difference in preferences, sun care products are subject to very different regional sun care regulations.

What makes formulating sun care products a challenge? 

The tricky thing is to combine traditional UV filters for UVA/UVB in accordance with the varying regional regulations and new ingredients which offer protection against infrared and visible light, blue light in particular.

What types of sun care products does your company provide?

We offer all sun protection products with low and high SPF, developed in light non-sticky creams, dry oils for face and body, elegant textures for mature skin, water-resistant mists and gels, sticks for sensitive skin zones. Last but not least, to complement our offer we provide tan-preparing products and an after-sun care line.

In what way is your company’s offer in the field of sun care different in comparison to that of your competitors?

Our company has acquired a huge expertise in different sun care technologies, patents for SPF simulation and SPF measurements, very powerful anti-oxidant protecting ingredients, IR patents, full light, improved tanning as well as glow and radiance effects.

With the help of patents and exclusivities, we are striving to protect our know-how. 

We are constantly looking for cooperation with international institutes and experts in the field, and we also participate in conferences and write publications.

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