photo: Sergey Novikov,
photo: Sergey Novikov,

Interview with:

Lorraine Dallmeier 

Director of Formula 


Dorchester UK 

COSSMA: What is challenging the assumptions of natural cosmetics?

Lorraine Dallmeier, Director of Formula Botanica: Consumers are challenging assumptions all through the beauty industry and forcing beauty brands to bring a wellness component into their formulations and overall brand experience. Beauty brands are consequently rethinking their ingredients, their sustainability commitments and the way they talk to their customers. Natural beauty has now become mainstream. When we visit trade shows or beauty industry events or even look at the shelves in our favourite shops, the majority of the beauty brands are now showcasing their natural credentials and showing the world that natural is the norm. The industry as a whole has also moved on from the outdated assumptions that naturals don’t work.

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