
Sandy Gregory from Westrock presents new findings of a global study on facial skin care rituals and their implications on packaging.

There are over seven billion people in the world and each one of us has a unique face. Our face is how we greet the world and how we nonverbally tell our story to those we meet. And for most – at the start and end of the day – we take time to care for it. Whether it’s splashing water on our face or an elaborate process of soaps, lotions and treatments, facial skin care routines have become an increasingly important part of our everyday habits.

So do billions of faces mean billions of individual preferences and personalised routines? And what role does packaging play at each step? In an effort to better understand how individual consumers make skin care choices and the implications of packaging on those choices, Westrock (formerly MWV) conducted a global study of 120 participants from 6 countries – the U.S., U.K., France, China, South Korea and Brazil.

How do consumers interact with packaging?

What we found was that, no matter where you are, skin care routines are deeply ingrained. What’s more, individual routines notwithstanding, our study helped us group consumers into four main categories based on their approach to care and beauty.

In identifying this routine and breaking down the different categories of consumers, we were able to take a deeper look at how consumers interact with the packaging and what their expectations are at each step. As the first point of contact with the brand, packaging has the power to reflect the characteristics of the product that it contains. Our research helped us to pinpoint packaging features and qualities that would satisfy and delight every type of consumer out there.

Moments of interaction with the packaging

We were able to find critical moments of interaction with the packaging. And, because there is hardly anything more personal and intimate than a facial skin care routine, we knew that delighting consumers throughout this process would be important to fostering a sense of loyalty toward the brand.

AUTHOR: Sandy Gregory, Associate Marketing Director Global Fragrance & EU Beauty,  Westrock, Barcelona, Spain,;


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