photos: Dr Babor
photos: Dr Babor

Interview with:

Dr Andrea Weber,
Head of Babor’s Research and Innovation Centre,
Babor Aachen, Germany, 

COSSMA: What are currently the most relevant and innovative findings in R&D for the cosmetics industry?

Dr Andrea Weber, Head of Babor’s Research and Innovation Centre, Babor: Research into peptides or into active centres of proteins remains a hot topic. This is due to the fact that such actives are suitable to specially target metabolic pathways. Preventing cellular changes in the skin is also still a big issue. This means finding ways to protect the skin against i.e. external influences such as all of the different effects of the various wavelengths of radiation.

A current issue is anti-blue light ingredients. What is Babor’s offer in this range?

Blue light is present in daylight, but is also emitted from TVs, tablets and mobile phone screens. Just like UVA radiation, blue light penetrates deep into the skin where, according to the latest findings, it attacks the cells by causing oxidative stress. In addition to cell-energising ingredients, Babor has therefore integrated a blue light protection – a complex of cocoa peptides, saccharides and polyphenols – into its Skinovage Vitalizing products. This complex acts as a radical quencher, protecting the skin against digital ageing, UV radiation and blue light. 

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