
At Cosmetic Business on the 21st and 22nd of June, more than 400 exhibitors and represented companies will be exhibiting their latest developments in the MOC Events Centre in Munich. Find out more in COSSMA's preview article.

Bomo Trendline: Duo Cosmetic Pen System

Bomo Trendline,  Hall  2,  Stand  C25, presents  its  Duo Cosmetic Pen System. The company’s Permanent Lip Rouge  and  Permanent Lip Liner  are combined in a single stick. While the  fine tip of the lip liner traces the contour of the lips, the new Flocki Tip applies  the  colour  to  the  lips  themselves. The system is also available as Duo Eyes, combining the EyebrowDesigner (for shaping, combing and colouring) and the Eyebrow Finalizer(corrector pencil).

Grafe: Presentation of Colour Trends for 2018

Grafe, Hall 4, Stand E09, will stage the  presentation  of  their  colour trends for 2018 with the help of the well-known  poetry  slammer  Aida. He  has  put  together  an  adventure story in twelve sections, which each month  takes  the  reader  on  a  new chapter  of  a  journey  through  the world  of  colours.  The  narrative clearly  illustrates  a  dominance  of blue during the spring and summer of 2018. In autumn and winter, discreet blues, greens and browns are set to dominate. Additionally, metallics – in a wide variety of shades – and matt surfaces are increasingly prized. This leads to velvety colours.

Heinz-Glas:New bottle concept Amaze'n'Gaze

Heinz-Glas, Hall 3, Stand D14, is presenting their new bottle concept Amaze’n’Gaze. Its design involves a hole in the glass bottle. The hole, which is created with an industrial process, comes in the shape of the company logo and is also polished to the last millimetre, so that the snapon cap fits exactly inside it.

Viscotec: Hygienic dispensers for hot-filling

Viscotec, Hall 4, Stand E14, is presenting their Hygienic Dispensers for hot-filling, with which the lipstick mass can be processed and dosed at 100°C. Due to a reduced energy input for melting the lipstick, costs are minimised. The dispenser excels at handling high temperatures as well as for the dosing and filling of highly viscous products. After the heating process, the lipstick is accurately filled directly into the mould. Due to the suck-back function of the dispenser, no excess liquid lipstick drips past the safeguards, leaving a clean filling process. All components of the dispenser (e.g. seals and elastomeric stators) are suitable for the high temperatures of the production process. The lipstick mass is dosed with a repeatability of around 1 percent. The dispenser is particularly suitable for the precise dosing of small volumes of formula from medium to high viscosity and also for shear-sensitive products with solids or abrasive particles.


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