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Stress is ubiquitous, especially in today’s urban environments. The sources of stress are diverse and some, such as environmental stressors, are beyond our individual control. But even personal stressors, which include life events and work-related stress, and lifestyle stressors, such as social media, the “cult of busyness”, financial pressures and environmental concerns, may feel overwhelming and impossible to avoid.

In our attempts to cope with stress, we sometimes even manage to add to it. We squeeze in a “relaxing” yoga class on an already busy day, or get up early to go for a run before work because exercise relieves stress. But what if we could ease the stress by taking away some of the pressure? 

Taking the stress out of hair care

Bad hair days are definitely a source of stress – so much so that the phrase has come to symbolise days where nothing goes right. Since hair is key to a person’s image, achieving the right style is crucial to feeling good about oneself. And tired, listless-looking hair never makes a good impression, so care and protection are vital, too.

Luckily, this is one area of life where we can take back control. With the help of DSM hair care solutions, even busy consumers can simply and easily care for their own hair and create styles that express their personalities. Our holistic, hybrid products are masters of multi-tasking, helping people face everyday challenges without compromising on their individual style. The formulations are specifically developed to help them style and care for their hair in an easy, stress-free way for the look they want. They make turn styling into something fun to do.

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