Photo: Fotosr52/
Photo: Fotosr52/

Interview with:

Tanja Budde,
Head of Innovation and Technical Marketing Personal Care,
Omya International,

Oftringen, Switzerland, 

COSSMA: When it comes to future-proof applications, what are the latest and most important developments for oral care?

Tanja Budde, Head of Innovation and Technical Marketing Personal Care, Omya: With about two billion people worldwide brushing their teeth daily, all wanting the perfect smile, the market is highly competitive. The variety of product options is enormous and consumers are increasingly looking for holistic solutions that not only clean teeth but also offer added value. The two most desired characteristics are healthy teeth surface and whiter appearance. It is vital that oral care manufacturers react quickly when it comes to developing products that consumers demand. Indeed, we are getting increasing numbers of enquiries from companies looking for help with toothpaste formulation.

Your company focuses on mineral particles. What is so special about this ingredient, particularly for toothpaste?

Calcium carbonate is a multi-purpose ingredient that is creating versatile opportunities for sophisticated toothpaste applications. Sourced from sedimentary rocks, the ingredient is natural and compliant with stringent quality requirements. Particles offer both high chemical purity and controlled low microbiology. Moreover, the ingredient is unique in fulfilling several requirements simultaneously. For manufacturers it enhances the formulation process, and for consumers it offers several health benefits. Natural calcium carbonate acts as a gentle and effective cleaning particle, but also has the ability to buffer acidic pH in the mouth in order to reduce demineralisation. While buffering the pH, calcium ions are released in order to remineralise the enamel. Our natural calcium carbonates are marketed under the brand name Omyacare. Nevertheless, the treatment of the raw material is crucial in obtaining optimum results for a tailored end product. 

As a global supplier, we have more than 130 years of expertise, with our key philosophy being investment in science and commitment to R&D. 

We developed proprietary technology to control particle dimensions and morphologies so that we have achieved a broad spectrum to fulfil different tasks.

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