Photo: Frolova_Elena/
Photo: Frolova_Elena/

Interview with: 

Uli Osterwalder,
Sun Protection Facilitator
Basel, Switzerland 

COSSMA: What were the latest findings in the field of sun protection (UVA/UVB)?

Uli Osterwalder, Consultant, Sun Protection Facilitator: The need for UVA/UVB protection seems to be well-established and claimed by every sunscreen, although UVA standards vary from region to region. As a result, there is more investigation into visible light, blue light and infrared (IR) than into UV radiation. I personally think this leads to a distraction from protection that really matters. The entire UV range is considered carcinogenic by the WHO. It is likely that at the threshold between UV and visible, blue light may also have a contribution, but much less likely than whole visible and the IR range.

What were the latest findings in the field of infrared?

Samara Eberlin from Kosmoscience in Brazil presented Transcriptome (RNA-SEQ) analysis after exposure to infrared A as new targets for photodamage. Comparison with control revealed 214 differentially expressed genes. In my opinion, this is important work that needs to be followed even though the evidence for the need for infrared protection is currently not as convincing as for UV protection. Often there is no clear separation of irradiation and thermal effect. The evidence for blue light protection is more convincing and there is room for improvement in UVA1 protection. Therefore, focussing on infrared protection at consumer level might distract from more important protection issues.

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