photo: Sofia Zhuravetc/
photo: Sofia Zhuravetc/

Interview with:

Michele Marchini,
Consumer Insights Manager Personal Care,
Svetlana Vinogradova,
Head of Global ­Marketing for Skin Care and Vitamins,
Basel, Switzerland 

COSSMA: How would you characterise the global facial care market?

Michele Marchini (MM), Consumer Insights Manager Personal Care, DSM: The facial skin care market remains dynamic and exciting.  Sales are currently growing at 5–6%, premium products even at a rate of 7–8%1.  

One size does not fit all in this market. Beauty has been redefined, and perceptions, ideals, and views on the best skin care solution are constantly changing. The ready availability of information online and the rise of social media have educated and empowered today’s consumers. People now believe that they know their own skin, hair and body best. As they increasingly embrace their individuality, the challenge is to target these personal needs directly. 

Let’s take the example of young consumers. A key development within this knowledgeable, information-seeking demographic is their interest in preventive skin care. Baby boomers used to start using anti-ageing products at around 47 years old. Today the average age is 26. 

Finding appropriate language for senior consumers is another issue we face. A few years ago, pro-ageing emerged as a parallel, gentler approach to anti-ageing.

This is becoming increasingly relevant: Today’s message is about making the most of yourself, whatever your age. 

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