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What do customers expect from their cosmetic products? The participants of the “In Cosmetic Digital Conference” investigated this question. They also evaluated the direction in which the market is moving and how to maintain consumer trust.

Science, nature and technology are all key elements that we can expect to sway the beauty and personal care market in the near and distant future. The push-pull between nature and science does not have to be so polarising; in fact, they can help to support one another as consumers look for instinct and information to guide their beauty choices. We can also expect to see advances in software, hardware, apps and augmented reality, heralds of the fourth industrial revolution which will significantly significantly change the way consumers choose, purchaseand interact with products. On 1 April, at the “In-Cosmetics Digital Conference” we explored who the consumer is and what indications we see that will affect the beauty industry. At the upcoming event later in the year, we will expand on this further, looking at how mistrust is fuelling misunderstanding, as well as some key areas driving the market at present and highlighting how natural and science work hand-in-hand to give consumers what they want. For example the natural and “clean” beauty trends have highlighted trust issues in the industry; the vegan trend is seen as a new extension of this, and this marks a key stepping stone to increase understanding and comfort of biotechnology; and biometrics and data can help to provide the most tailored and hyper-personalised solution to consumers.

Making a “clean” break

The natural movement continues to shape the beauty and personal care industry due to perceptions of higher safety. However, a surge of retailers and brands are adopting “clean” beauty standards, particularly in the US, leading to a shift from natural to “clean”. We know there are consumers that look for that products when shopping for beauty; however, the  lack of regulation around those products leads to confusion among consumers, as the abundance of “clean” terms carry a  plethora of definitions. The inconsistent messaging can lead some consumers to question and doubt “clean” and “green” labels as they scrutinise ingredient lists and question product efficacy. Following on from 2019, “clean” beauty will continue to evolve as consumers do more research than ever before when making product choices and brand transparency spans the product lifecycle. Additionally, consumers are becoming more aware of the impact their demand for natural ingredients has on the planet and are seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint, making it increasingly important for brands to have initiatives around fair trade and ethical sourcing. Ultimately in the future, the “clean” beauty industry will just be the beauty industry. It highlights consumer desire for safe and functional products. The the focus will be on transparency and an eco-ethical vision rather than fear marketing.

Trust exercises

Trust also comes into play in a big way for consumers looking to science for answers, as well as those who choose to go with their gut. As consumers explore this line between nature and science, consumer comfort and biotechnology are expected to increase. Beauty companies can leverage “engineered natural ingredients” to satisfy consumer desire for safety. Costly supply chain issues related to sustainability of natural materials can also be addressed. The “vegan” trend is also expected to evolve into an understanding of biotechnology. Finally, an increase in lab-engineered and lab-grown products entering the market will mean consumers’ comfort with biotechnology will ease. To gain consumer trust, brands and companies will need to utilise biometrics to interact with customers on a more personal level. Biometrics offers an innovative way for companies to interact more personally with consumers by providing valuable customisations.

But brands must be prepared for backlash if consumers feel their data is being used inappropriately. Success will only be achieved by the brands that offer transparency and avoid misunderstanding.

Andrew McDougall,

associate director beauty and

personal care, Mintel, London,


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