Photo: Ekaterina Jurkova/
Photo: Ekaterina Jurkova/

Everyone talks about natural cosmetics. But what are the main drivers of this segment and what are the challenges it currently faces? Wolf Lüdge, the organiser of the annual Natural & Organic Cosmetics Conference held 24–25 September in Berlin, explains. 

Interview with:

Wolf Lüdge, Managing Director of the Naturkosmetik Verlag, Wetzlar Germany, chairman and organiser, in cooperation with Vivaness (Nürnberg Messe), of the international Natural & Organic Cosmetics Conference in Berlin, Germany www.naturkosmetik-branchen­  

COSSMA: What are the latest figures in natural cosmetics? 

Wolf Lüdge, Managing Director of the Naturkosmetik Verlag (WL): Organic cosmetics continue to be a global growth driver, in fact, the market for natural and organic cosmetics is at an all-time high – and with ever increasing consumer awareness of a healthy lifestyle, the segment will keep growing in the future. The market research company FMI* forecasts that Europe will be the largest consumer of organic cosmetics, followed by Asia Pacific and North America. According to Grand View Research, the global organic personal care market is projected to reach USD 25 billion by 2025**.

What are the latest product trends in the field of natural and organic cosmetics and what are some exciting new brands?

One major trend right now, which we will be hearing more about in the future as well, is skin microbiome cosmetics. 

Also, CBD skin care with Cannabidiol, derived from the hemp plant, is a trend that is quickly gaining ground in the cosmetics industry. Thanks to its many benefits, we will be seeing a lot of new cosmetic products based on this ingredient. 

The mask market is continuing to evolve, new and innovative products are addressing specific skin issues and specific areas of the body and the face. 

Another consumer trend is the demand for convenience products – products that offer multiple uses. 

Also, consumers are increasingly interested in natural and organic hair care products. 

Organic supplements that help boost the effects of skin care are also gaining in popularity. Beauty drinks or beauty shots, as they are called, are all the rage with beauty aficionados.

If we are talking about new exciting brands, it’s those that are able to fascinate consumers by providing innovative solutions, for example, water-free or zero waste products. 

This is also in line with the trend for clean beauty. Now, next to all the ingredient-conscious brands, it’s going a step further with what is being dubbed „blue beauty“ – these are eco-friendly product lines that do not harm the oceans or the planet, or even help to undo some of the harm that has been done.

And then there is the waste to value approach – brands are repurposing waste products, turning them into effective cosmetic ingredients. 

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