Photo: nelen/
Photo: nelen/

Taking clean beauty to the next level is a winning strategy for skin care brands, as the trend continues to grow and merges with an eco-ethical narrative.

Over the next two years, K-Beauty’s glow will morph and revolve around healthy-looking skin. There will also be a spotlight on hemp, superfruits and niacinamide in product formulations.

Looking further ahead, consumers from key global markets will become eager to try out new non- and minimally invasive “tweakments” that can pair up with skin care to create healthier-looking skin. While prestige brands will gain more young Chinese fans, there is an opportunity for premium positioning for incumbent players as well as newcomers.

Read on for some of the latest product launches featuring the latest trends.


Soothing blending ampoule

Calmingcell Cell Soothing Ampoule, part of GD-11 Cell Factory, is an instant and mild calming formula for sensitive, itchy and irritated skin. The product utilises human cord blood cell content that features 89 types of protein to make skin firmer and more moisturised. This non-sticky, customisable, blending ampoule is said to be quickly absorbed to balance the moisture level in skin with a soothing formula that also contains Centella asiatica, Ormenis mixta flower water, and chameleon plant extract. It is also claimed to brighten skin with Paenia suffruticosa root extract and 1%  vitamin B5 derivative-panthenol, which is a low irritation moisturising ingredient. This watery formula with light texture is also designed to lower skin temperature for gentle care.

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