Photo: Lush
Photo: Lush

How do you provide information on packaging-free products? Lush came up with the digital app Lush Lens – this time’s Star of the Month. It identifies the naked product and provides all the relevant information.

The average German alone produces 462 kilos of waste per year. So, choosing packaging-free skin and body care products is an important option. 

Lush is active in offering plastic free and packaging-free personal care products. 52% of their products are without packaging. They have come up with an eco-friendly solution that saves resources at the same time. 

The challenge the Lush directors presented themselves with was to create a shop for bath bombs which is entirely signage-free. 

Lush Harajuku, an exclusive bath bomb shop in Japan, was the first Lush shop without demo stations or signage with information such as price and ingredients. This creates the challenge of how customers would learn about the products and still have a 100 percent shop experience.

Lush’s tech warriors developed a digital solution called Lush Labs App. The app includes a feature called Lush Lens, which allows customers to identify and easily learn about packaging-free products. 

It makes sure that all product information that is usually supplied via the packaging and has to be provided to the consumer by law is digitally available. How does this work?

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