Photo: Torwaistudio/
Photo: Torwaistudio/

Interview with:

Andrew McDougall
Associate Director of Beauty & Personal Care
Mintel, London, UK 

COSSMA: What are emerging trends in hair care?

Andrew McDougall Associate Director of Beauty & Personal Care Mintel: Biodegradability is becoming a ‘must-have’ in hair care, as products go directly into waste waters. This has seen the ‘silicone-free’ claim become popular, as silicone oils, very commonly used in hair care, are not biodegradable. The main challenge is to switch to more sustainable formulas while keeping a good sensory experience – a high priority in hair care. As a result, the majority of hair care products still contain silicones, probably due to the sensorial properties. Ingredient suppliers develop silicone-free textures that produce the sensorial benefits of silicones but are also biodegradable.

What are the most important consumer concerns?

Water shortages and sustainability are sources of concern for many consumers. Reducing consumption, waste, and packaging all need to be a focus in order to meet the industry’s sustainability goals. Consumers want brands to be mindful about the environment and are sensitive to company ethics. In the US, 59% of iGens and Millennials stop buying products from a brand or retailer if they believe they are unethical.

Consumers are increasingly willing to invest in water-saving innovations. In hair care categories, saving water also has a practical appeal. Examples we are seeing in hair care are inspired by dissolvable formats, such as the water-soluble sachets that have long been used in the laundry detergent category. Single dose formats are being used more in the beauty sector, requiring less water during use and minimising the need for packaging. 

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