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Photo: Pixaby/

Today we know that approximately 80% of the signs of skin ageing are caused by environmental factors. Day after day, the skin is ageing due to internal and external aggressors, such as sun exposure, pollution, diet and stress. All these factors together are called the exposome. This rather new field of research is vital for developing innovative active ingredients for the future.

Our company has developed 3 different actives which target specific skin problems caused by the exposome: 

Urban pollution

The repeated and regular exposure of the skin to city dust can profoundly affect the physiology of the skin and lead to irreversible consequences. Urbalys* activates the endogenous defence mechanisms and detoxification pathways.

We have investigated the potential of an extract from Schisandra chinensis (S.C.), which is particularly rich in lignans, in order to strengthen the defence mechanisms of the skin in response to environmental stress. 

The anti-pollution ingredient Urbalys protects against all forms of urban pollution. It activates endogenous skin defence and cellular detoxification systems, fights free radicals, prevents inflammation, strengthens cutaneous barrier and maintains dermis integrity.

Clinical tests with only 1% dosage and evaluation before and after 28 days show that inflammation was reduced and an even, rosy skin tone was achieved.

Sun and blue light

365 days a year, the skin has to adapt to changing environments and lifestyles. In addition, exposure to blue light caused by electronic devices can accelerate the natural ageing process.

Soliberine provides many benefits, absorbing most types of rays, regardless of the source, and inhibiting excessive ROS production that generates oxidative stress. It stimulates cellular detoxification, reduces free radicals and inflammatory mediators.

This ingredient combats sunlight pollution and protects the skin from light-induced damages such as that arising□ from UVA, UVB, infrared and blue light.

New studies also prove the reduction of the expression of lipofuscin on dermal fibroblasts when exposed to blue light. Lipofuscin is referred to as the ageing pigment. The phytoactive ingredient is therefore expected to decrease age spots. 

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