Photo: Anja Reubold
Photo: Anja Reubold

Interview with:

Dr Bernhard Irrgang,
Head of R&D Natural and Organic Cosmetics,
Weleda, Arlesheim,

COSSMA: What made you join the cosmetics industry?

Dr Bernhard Irrgang, Head of R&D Natural and Organic Cosmetics, Weleda: Having studied physical-organic chemistry with a very theoretical background, my intention was always to work closer to markets and consumers. In my eyes, it is absolutely fascinating and ever so rewarding to work in a field where you help people feel better and more comfortable. In cosmetics, we have a wide range of possibilities to make products available for these purposes. Helping to develop good, innovative, but also ecologically beneficial products was a great motivation for me. And there is always an appealing sense of satisfaction when a developed product remains on the shelf for a long time. 

The pomegranate range, definitely an important milestone, has often been copied
The pomegranate range, definitely an important milestone, has often been copied

What have your major achievements in the industry been so far?

With more than 28 years of experience in the cosmetics industry, there are certainly a few special moments that I have helped to create. At the beginning of my career at Rewo (today part of Evonik), I was given the opportunity to participate in the development of a particularly mild surfactant based on citric acid. During my time with the private label manufacturer Mibelle, we managed to leave significant footprints in the German market by bringing innovative products to market quickly and reliably. Today, I am particularly proud of the successful launch of new Skin Food products for Weleda, which have attracted a considerable amount of attention in the market.

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