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photo: LedyX/

Cossma: Where do you see the biggest changes in the international market? 

Elfriede Dambacher (ED), Program Chairwoman and Owner of the consulting company Naturkosmetik Konzepte: 

The market is clearly becoming more differentiated. In Germany, the conflict between mainstream and niche has increased. Internationally, the main topic is still the sovereignty of interpretation. Due to the ISO guideline for organic cosmetics products, it has become increasingly important to clearly demonstrate the benefits of authentic organic cosmetics. Unfortunately, there is a lack of joint approaches within the industry to formulate simple and distinct messages that are easily understood by consumers. 

What are the major changes and novelties in the German speaking market? 

ED: As the organic cosmetics market in Germany has matured, the market environment has changed. In German-speaking countries, private label brands play a key role. 

However, there is a need for a larger number of strong mid-priced brands that counterbalance the high-volume sales of the private label brands. And the established brands are not innovative enough. 

The market requires more products for the growing target group of young consumers. Sadly, stationary retail also is too slow in reacting to innovative and niche products – shifting the benefit to the cross-border online retail. 

The German speaking region with Germany, Austria and Switzerland will remain the most vital organic cosmetics market in Europe. 

Will organic cosmetics continue their growth? 

ED: Organic cosmetics is the market of the future – worldwide. However, the level of naturalness varies significantly. Projections of leading market research companies expect that nature-inspired and organic cosmetics together will achieve an annual growth rate of 10 % over the next few years. 

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