
Will you be visiting Cosmoprof and Cosmopack in Bologna (21.-23.3.2024)? The Bologna Cosmopack event has more than 24,000 visitors annually, 515 exhibitors from 38 countries present themselves on more than 17,000 m2of exhibition space.

Why don’t you consider exhibiting in the Ingredient Zone @ Cosmopack? This would not be as a competition to ingredients shows like in-cosmetics, but an addition that makes sure you are right in the centre of things instead of just on-site. Take the opportunity to make yourself visible to the major brands’ representatives walking the aisles and generate new sales leads from your presence on-site. Book your comprehensive package of space and stand and maximize your visibility. You will benefit from this no-stress and low-budget opportunity to enjoy a three day full immersion in this high profile exhibtion.

You will receive your fully equipped "Contact Hub", complete with visuals, counter and seating. Of course, you can also use the Cosmoprof Match-Making platform, which will be available online from the beginning of 2024 and will help you to plan meetings effectively in advance. Other marketing tools are also included in our turn-key exhibitor packages.

Interested? Reserve your space in good time, because the exhibition space in this exclusive exhibition area is very limited!

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Cossma-Team again!

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