Photo: Kerdkanno/
Photo: Kerdkanno/

Interview with:

Michael Wilkop
Director Marketing Pharma & Cosmetics EMEA 

François ­Bouton ­
Business Development Manager Cosmetics EMEA 

Brenntag, Essen, Germany 

COSSMA: Brenntag is one of the leading global distributors in the cosmetics industry. What are Brenntag’s major activities and strengths in the EMEA2

Michael Wilkop (MW), Director Marketing Pharma & Cosmetics EMEA, Brenntag: Our company has a long-standing experience in the cosmetics industry and holds a leading market position in many countries across Europe. 

Over the past few years we have sharpened and realigned our cosmetics strategy to further increase our appeal as a sales and marketing partner for our principals and as a solution provider for our customers.

Our strong and dedicated cosmetics team in EMEA is made up of more than 80 industry experts, both technical and commercial.

In addition, we now operate three Cosmetic Formulation Centres – in France, Germany and Turkey. From these formulation hubs we deliver innovative and smart concepts addressing the very latest trends to actively support our customers in their endeavours.

What makes Brenntag successful in the cosmetics industry?

MW: We have recently developed and implemented a new strategy to go beyond the sheer distribution of raw materials. We now develop innovative and novel formulations that create a perfect synergy between our concept and our customer requirements.

We managed to win several new strategic partnerships to expand our product portfolio and have also invested in partnerships with universities to extend the scientific expertise we can bring to our customers.

And of course, our passionate and committed team is the key ingredient for our success.

What has been your latest innovation with regards to product formulation?

François Bouton (FB), Business Development Manager Cosmetics EMEA, Brenntag: Well, there are quite a few, but I like to highlight our development in the field of multi-phase micro-emulsions.

The particularity of this 3-phase micro-emulsion is to have the 3 phases oil, microemulsion and water phases  in equilibrium. By shaking the product, a homogenous white emulsion with an appealing sensory profile is created. Even though this might sound rather simple, this involved quite a sophisticated development process.

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