Photo: Kotin/
Photo: Kotin/

Interview with:

Birgit Huber,
Expertise Partner Beauty Care, Deputy Director General,
IKW, the German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association, Frankfurt Germany,

COSSMA: What were the major product innovations in skin care in the past 50 years?

Birgit Huber, Expertise Partner Beauty Care, Deputy Director General, IKW: Consumer needs are becoming more demanding and individual. As a result, cosmetics manufacturers today offer a wide range of highly effective cleaning and care products, which are increasingly tailored to the needs of consumers. Whether dry or oily skin, sensitive or combination skin  different skin types are taken into account in innovative product formulations as well as the needs of age, gender or protection against negative environmental influences. In addition to this, the care routine has become more extensive and now includes more care steps to optimally prepare the skin during the day for a make-up and in the evening for proper care.

In addition to daily basic care, anti-ageing products have become increasingly important in facial care in recent years. They promise special care services to protect against premature skin ageing and at the same time meet the special requirements of mature skin.

Refill systems and concentrates may provide additional savings in packaging material. Photo: Lancôme
Refill systems and concentrates may provide additional savings in packaging material. Photo: Lancôme

What have been the major product innovations in sun care in the past 50 years?

Also in this product category applies: The product applications depend entirely on the individual needs of consumers. While in the past, sunscreen in the form of creams or milk used to dominate, sprays and gels have now found their place on the shelf. Especially for physically active people or if the application of the sunscreen needs to go fast, sprays and gels offer a good alternative. When applied to the skin, they leave neither sticky fingers nor a thick film that needs to be massaged again.

In addition to this, in terms of the sun protection factor (SPF) a lot has happened in recent years. High SPF products beyond 30, which offer both UV-A and UV-B protection, can be found in every beach bag. One development has been a major contributor to this success story: Thanks to the use of nano-technology, it is much easier to apply sunscreen products. Thick white pastes that can hardly be rubbed on the skin are a thing of the past.

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