
"Sonja Gehm, Global Marketing Manager for Consumer Care and Anne Timm, Head BS Personal Care Europe at Clariant are explaining Clariant’s latest launches during In-Cosmetics. The company is launching its ""Sun Care Concept"" offering easy-to process and time-saving formulations, and UV performance-boosting raw materials for sunscreen formulations. The “Integrated Preservation Concept” offers solutions to preserve and viscosify cosmetic formulations with added cost effective and “green” focused benefits. These include Velsan® SC, a natural synergistic aid which boosts the efficacy of preservatives so that the necessary amount of preservatives needed can be reduced to a minimum; a new rheology modifier Aristoflex® TAC, which provides a yield force already at a low pH in rinse- off formulations, so that effect particles or air bubbles can be stabilized for a pleasant look; and a new water-in-silicone/water-in-oil emulsifier SilCare®Silicone WSI, which is suitable for typical body lotion or sunscreen formulations, and enhances the shine of pigments in decorative cosmetics. Due to the easy spreading of formulations containing SilCare®Silicone WSI, long-lasting decorative cosmetics can be achieved.

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