
There were no major changes in the innovation process due to the economic crisis. Only few customers froze their innovation budgets as sales slowed down due to de-stocking. Visions for the future include further developments in nanotechnology, cream formulations without water, colour cosmetics without colour pigments or the identification of active molecules in natural ingredient blends. Regulation and legislation can also be a driver for innovation.
On February 4th 2010 the second Cossma VIP Summit took place in at Health and Beauty Group.  Participants included Heike Kohm (BASF), Dr. Steffen Hofacker (BayerMaterialScience) , Stefano Casteletti (Faber-Castel), Dr. Jörg Schmitz (Lipotec), Dr. Matthias Lergenmüller (Merck) and Dr. Christian Rimpler (Dr. Rimpler).

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